Currently using - September 2023

This page covers what electronic devices, equipment and software I’m running right now. What’s New? Time since last update: 6 months I added a new camera lens - a 7artisans 60mm MK. II manual focus macro lens. I wanted to play with a macro lens for a while as I’ve never had a dedicated macro lens before. It’s been a lot of fun. On the archive server, converted the single remaining ZFS mirror pool of disks to a btrfs mirror....


Some podcasts I've been listening to lately

I thought I’d just list five, since I move around podcasts as they ebb or end, and I like to listen to a variety of things, so these aren’t really related to each other for the most part. Cautionary Tales by Tim Harford is sort of what its name implies - Tim reviews different events and scenarios and shows what we can learn from them, and often what unexpected causes and effects go on....


Some Job Hunting and Interview Notes

Making notes I actually made a few spreadsheets with lines and lines for each role, but with different emphasis, and then kept the ones in which seemed best. I also had a massive list of skills on a tab, as some online forms want a list of skills. I also have a spreadsheet for interview questions to ask, and questions I’ve been asked. I then choose some, and write them on postcards....


Currently using - March 2023

This page covers what electronic devices, equipment and software I’m running right now. What’s New? A minor update - a new motherboard in the Windows machine. Also, I got a PS5, admittedly 2 years afer its launch, but I think it was two years before I got the PS4 too. Also, I moved from SpiderOak to iDrive for backups. I was happy with SpiderOak, but the product has been in maintenance mode for 3 years, and is no longer on the front page of the company’s website, so that’s likely a hint to move on, and so far iDrive has worked well for both Linux and Windows....


Publii - a more visual Static Site Generator

For a while I’ve needed to get together a ~10 page website for a charity event I’m involved with – something for those people not on Facebook but with very similar content – dates, guidelines, FAQs in English and Japanese, some galleries of previous events. That kind of thing. Many years ago I’d made a simple hand coded HTML and CSS site for it, and that was fine, but then there were issues with the domain name and hosting (neither of which I controlled) so I needed to find another similar domain name, and sort a site out on my own space....
